Grandparent Tip — Stay Up to Date with Grandparents Link


We know from our recent TFS survey that we have more than a few savvy grandparents as readers — maybe because they have learned that one of the secrets of gaining successful access to the grand kids is having fun outings and new ideas up their sleeves.  If you’ve got parents in the area who are a little challenged in the planning department, you might consider sharing TFS with them; after all, there’s nothing wrong with a little online inspiration!

We’ve recently learned about a another excellent online resource for the grandparents  – a site chock full of good ideas from two creative grand-moms. Talk about ideas that have stood the test of a few generations; these ladies cover everything from cooking to safety to excursions, and go the extra distance to source articles from experts to inspire you, as well. These women post from both sides of the US, so have both East and West coast ideas covered.  As additional proof that they’re excellent sources of wisdom, consider that they’ve mastered the Internet and figured out how to bring this site to fruition.

Take a cruise around Grandparents Link and then share it with “the grands” in your life.Leslie Zinberg

We recently sat down with Leslie Zinberg, the energized co-founder of Grandparents Link and loved hearing her story. Leslie raised her children here in LA and spends regular, weekly time with her LA grand-children. She’s a model for how positive participation can work between generations and everyone’s lives are better for the consistent interaction. She’s had such a great experience being involved with her grandkids that she wants to share her tips for success. As she notes, “most of my friends want to be connected to their grandchildren, and we provide the inspiration for ways to do that, whether they live across town or across the country.”

Take a look at the site and sign up for the free newsletter. They’re on FB, Twitter and Pinterest, too.