At the center of every household is a unique and critical equation of work-life balance. Here are a few resources for you to consider as you assess your particular work-life balance in this New Year.

Katie Martin / The Atlantic
Check out The Atlantic’s recent seven-part series on Women and Ambition, written by Hana Schank and Elizabeth Wallace, friends who went to college together in the 90s and followed up with all their classmates to assess the current state of women, work, family, and satisfaction. The journalists categorize women in three general groups – High Achievers, Opt Outers, and Scale Backers – and dig into the research and reality of each choice.
If your New Year’s resolution involves any type of change, check out a new book called Moms for Hire: 8 Steps to Kickstart Your Next Career.
And, if going back to work is in your immediate future, spend some time on Apres, a new national website that pairs women re-entering the workforce with employers who understand how valuable they are.