January Goals: Darn You Omicron


My goal is simply to make it through the month without meeting Omicron – so I’m sequestered once again. Choosing a 2022 day planner gave me a jolt of energy but otherwise I’m feeling foggy, even though the sky is bluer than blue after our recent rain.

I’ve been on the couch reading. More than a few folks have remarked to me that they’re reading again – remember how we all had a hard time reading in the spring of 2020? That is a bright spot – I recently fell under the spell of a great novel.

And, I’m cooking up a storm. I have found excellent post-holiday inspiration from two So Cal cooks, Pamela Salzman and Virginie Degryse. A friend and I exchanged Dorrie Greenspan’s Baking with Dorie for the holidays, which is fun, but my enthuiasm for baking is running smack into my enthusiasm for Noom – something else that I’m doing in tandem with friends. We’re all actually enjoying the process and losing some weight. 

Speaking of getting on the program – if you’re attempting Dry January, or feeling “Sober Curious” you might find motivation in this article from The Cut about Tempest, an online sobriety organization designed by (and mostly for) women. Whether you want to quit or just assess your pandemic tippling, learning how alcohol affects women’s health is a key first step.