TFS Subscriber Profile: Desiree Lapin and the Parents Education League of LA

We caught up with Desiree Lapin, founder of the Parents Education League of LA, a non-profit organization that serves as a valuable resource for parents on all things having to do with their child’s education.  If you have young …


TFS Subscriber Profile: Gayle Baigelman and BookEnds

I sat down with Gayle Baigelman last week, a former film executive and mother of a teenage girl, who has managed to turn a lifetime love of reading into a satisfying day job. How did she do that? She works …


Our friends at Coolhaus will meet Bill Clinton this week!

Two young women shared similar passions – ice cream and architecture. They had day jobs after college, but pursued their hobby to the extreme and were soon making architectural ice-cream sandwiches. This was the fall of 2008 and their second …


Things to Do in LA: TFS Subscriber describes her experience at Women Hold Up Half the Sky

Four friends, committed to social change and women’s rights, journeyed to the Skirball Center, recently to see Women Hold Up Half The Sky, based on the book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, by Nicholas Kristof …


FUN for KIDS in LA: A clever TWEAK on gifting

Tara Riceberg’s new shop TWEAK, located on Beverly Boulevard near Orlando, offers gifts for kids and the home with a clever twist – everything is pre-wrapped for low-stress/high-reward shopping.  Turns out, her mother ran the Beverly Hills store Tesoro, …


Subscriber Profile: Teresa Anne Power

Teresa Anne Power has written (and self-published) a fabulous book called The ABCs of YOGA for KIDS. Long a teacher of yoga for the Kindergarten set, her “Aha” moment came when she put the idea of teaching poses to …


Subscriber Profile: Miranda Payne

Miranda Payne is the Coordinator of Community Outreach at  Marlborough School, where she’s been helping middle and high-school girls get involved in meaningful community engagement for the past two years. I can attest that girls absolutely adore Miranda (a …


Subscriber Profile: Jen Levinson of Jen’s List

This week’s Subscriber Profile is of Jen Levinson, mother of 5 boys (including 2 sets of identical twins!) and owner and editor of the popular e-newsletter, Jen’s List.  Jen runs a thriving business, and even has one set of …


Subscriber Profile: Nathalie Kunin

I had breakfast this morning with Nathalie Kunin from Team Tutors. Nathalie founded the company in 2000, after leaving her post teaching fourth grade at The Center for Early Education, and currently has a thriving business with five employees …
